In “Alphacolors” | VARSAMIS P. DIMITRIOS (Production and Trade of Paints), we believe in the harmonious coexistence of business activities with people and the natural environment. We fully understand our responsibilities for environmental protection, and therefore, our priority is the prevention and avoidance of environmental pollution. Where this is not feasible, our goal is to minimize the environmental impacts of our activities and continually improve our environmental performance. As part of our environmental policy, in the company “Alphacolors” | VARSAMIS P. DIMITRIOS, we implement an Environmental Management System in all our activities according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2015 and we commit to:

• Operate in accordance with existing environmental legislation.
• Invest in an economically viable manner in the best available technologies and practices to save energy and natural resources, and minimize waste production and pollutant emissions.
• Internally recycle and/or dispose of all recyclable by-products, residues, and remnants of our activities.
• Provide environmentally friendly products by employing new substances that substitute others harmful to the environment.
• Proactively assess the environmental impacts of each new activity, product, and production method.
• Provide information to our customers about the environmental consequences of handling, using, and disposing of our products.
• Adequately train our personnel in environmental management matters.
• Acknowledge systematically the efforts of personnel actively involved in improving environmental performance.
• Immediately investigate any non-compliance, accidents, and complaints related to the environment to identify their causes and take appropriate corrective and preventive measures to avoid recurrence.
• Develop emergency action plans to address environmental accidents.
• Set measurable targets for environmental performance and implement procedures to monitor their achievement.
• Provide necessary information to all interested parties regarding the environmental impacts of our activities.
• Collaborate with public authorities, suppliers, and customers to improve environmental performance.
• Evaluate the environmental impacts and practices of our suppliers.
• Each employee of our company is responsible and acts to ensure the protection of the environment and the proper implementation of the Environmental Management System.

Specifically, each employee of our company is responsible for:
• Adhering to the rules for managing all types of waste and residues.
• Limiting unnecessary consumption of electricity, liquid fuels, and water.
• Following guidelines for addressing environmental accidents, leaks, or releases of waste into the environment.
• Participating in all educational programs organized by the Company for environmental management.
• Actively participating in the continuous improvement process of environmental performance.